How To Game Better With A Keyboard And Mouse [Step by Step]

How To Game Better With a Keyboard And Mouse [Step by Step]

Welcome Again!! Passionate gamers!! 🎮

Have you ever wondered how pro gamers make some seriously amazing moves and show their extraordinary gaming skills?

Well, you might be thinking, they have a high-end gaming setup, advanced graphics cards, and many expensive equipment.

Yes, it’s true up to some extent, but here’s the good news: you could even mark your victory with a cheap keyboard and mouse!

Even if you have the best gaming equipment in the world, not knowing how to use it properly can lead to defeat.

In this blog post, I’ve covered how to game better with a keyboard and mouse, various techniques used by pro gamers, help you to choose the perfect gear, and even the most advanced tips as per my personal experience.

I’ve also discussed the advantages of keyboard and mouse gaming over a controller and which types of games are well-suited for this setup.

Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to up your game or a newbie taking your first steps into this exciting world, we’ve got you covered.

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s learn and get better at gaming with our keyboard and mouse, and start dominating our opponents!! 😎

Let’s dive right in!

What are the benefits of using a keyboard and mouse for gaming over a controller?

What are the benefits of using a keyboard and mouse for gaming over a controller?

Before discussing the tips to improve upon your gaming performance, Let’s explore the fantastic benefits of gaming with a keyboard and mouse and how it is better than using a controller:

  • Precision: With a keyboard and mouse, you can control your character and aim your weapons with absolute precision. This is especially important in first-person shooters and other games where accuracy is key.

  • Speed: A keyboard and mouse also give you faster reaction times. This is because you can press multiple keys at the same time, and you can move your mouse cursor much faster than you can move a joystick.

  • Efficiency: A keyboard and mouse can also help you to be more efficient in games. You can bind hotkeys to different actions, so you can perform complex actions with a single keystroke. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially in fast-paced games.

  • Customization: You can tweak keybindings and macros to fit your playing style perfectly. This means that you can create the most efficient and comfortable control scheme for you.

  • Versatility: A keyboard and mouse is the best way to play any type of game. Whether you’re playing a first-person shooter, a real-time strategy game, or a role-playing game, a keyboard and mouse will give you the best possible control and precision.

What types of games are best suited for a keyboard and mouse?

What types of games are best suited for a keyboard and mouse?

Keyboard and mouse controls offer a lot of benefits over controllers, particularly in games that require precise aiming and movement.

As a result, keyboard and mouse is the preferred control method for many genres of games, including:

  • First-person shooters (FPS): FPS games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Valorant, and Call of Duty require players to be able to aim and shoot quickly and accurately. Keyboard and mouse controls give players more precise control over their aim, making them the ideal choice for these games.

  • Real-time strategy (RTS): RTS games like StarCraft II and Age of Empires require players to be able to quickly control multiple units and buildings. Keyboard and mouse controls give players the ability to do this quickly and efficiently.

  • Multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA): MOBAs like League of Legends and Dota 2 require players to be able to use a variety of abilities and items quickly and effectively. Keyboard and mouse controls give players the ability to do this more easily than with a controller.

In addition to these genres, keyboard and mouse controls are also well-suited for many other types of games, such as:

  • Role-playing games (RPGs): RPGs like Skyrim and The Witcher 3 often require players to type in commands or dialogue. Keyboard and mouse controls make this process much faster and easier than with a controller.

  • Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs): MMOs like World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV often require players to interact with a large number of menus and windows. Keyboard and mouse controls make this process more efficient and less cumbersome.

  • Racing games: Racing games like Forza Horizon 5 and Gran Turismo 7 often require players to make precise turns and drifts. Keyboard and mouse controls can give players more precise control over their vehicles, making them a good choice for these games.

Ultimately, the best way to decide whether or not to use a keyboard and mouse for a particular game is to experiment and see what feels most comfortable and natural to you.

However, the genres listed above are generally considered to be the best suited for keyboard and mouse controls.

How to choose the best gaming keyboard and mouse?

How to choose the best gaming keyboard and mouse?

Let’s quickly check the factors to keep in mind before picking up your perfect gaming keyboard and mouse:

  • Comfort: Your keyboard and mouse should feel like an extension of yourself. Pick ones that fit well in your hands and offer ergonomic comfort for long gaming sessions.

  • Speed and precision: Keyboards and mice come with different response times and precision levels. For lightning-fast actions, go for those with low latency and high precision. If you prefer smooth, controlled movements, opt for ones with higher response times and lower precision.

  • Programmability: Look for gear that lets you customize buttons and assign macros. This gives you more control over your gameplay and can help you perform complex actions with a single keystroke.

  • Backlighting: RGB lighting is a popular feature on gaming peripherals, but it’s not just for looks. It can also help you locate important keys in the dark and create a more immersive gaming experience.

  • Wired vs. wireless: Wired gear offers a lag-free experience, while wireless offers more freedom. Your choice depends on your priorities. If latency is your top concern, go for wired gear. If you prefer the freedom of movement, go for wireless.

  • Budget: Gaming peripherals come in all price ranges. You don’t need to spend a fortune to get good quality gear. There are plenty of budget-friendly options that offer great performance.

How to set up your keyboard and mouse for maximum gaming performance?

How to setup your keyboard and mouse for maximum gaming performance?

Ready to take your gaming to the next level?

It’s time to set up your keyboard and mouse for gaming, here are a few simple ways to do it:

1. Adjust your keyboard and mouse settings:

The first step is to adjust your keyboard and mouse settings. This will help you to find the right balance of precision and speed.

Mouse sensitivity

Your mouse sensitivity is how quickly your cursor moves across the screen. A higher sensitivity will make your cursor move faster, while a lower sensitivity will make it move slower.

If you’re new to gaming with a keyboard and mouse, it’s a good idea to start with a lower sensitivity.

This will give you more control over your cursor and make it easier to aim.

Once you get more comfortable, you can gradually increase your sensitivity until you find the setting that feels best for you.

Keyboard layout

The default keyboard layout for most games is QWERTY. However, many gamers prefer to use a different layout, such as AZERTY or Dvorak.

If you find that the default layout is uncomfortable or inefficient, you can change it in the game’s settings.


Keybinds are the keys that you press to perform actions in a game. For example, the default key bind for shooting in a first-person shooter game is typically the left mouse button.

You can customize your keybinds to suit your playing style. For example, you might want to switch the keybind for shooting to the right mouse button if you’re left-handed.

2. Learning common keyboard and mouse shortcuts:

Several common keyboard and mouse shortcuts can be useful for gaming.

Here are a few examples:

  • Alt+Tab: Switches between windows.
  • Ctrl+C: Copies the selected text.
  • Ctrl+V: Pastes the copied text.
  • Ctrl+Z: Undoes the previous action.
  • Shift+Tab: Switches to the previous tab in a web browser.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Esc: Opens the Task Manager.

Learning these shortcuts can save you time and improve your efficiency while gaming.

3. Customizing your keyboard and mouse layout

You can also customize your keyboard and mouse layout to suit your playing style. This includes changing the keybinds and/or adding macros.

Macros are a sequence of keystrokes that you can record and playback with a single key press.

This can be useful for complex actions that would otherwise require you to press multiple keys in a specific order.

For example, you could create a macro to perform a reload and animation cancel in a first-person shooter game.

This would allow you to reload your weapon and cancel the animation in a single key press, giving you a significant advantage over your opponents.

By following these tips, you can set up your keyboard and mouse for gaming and start dominating your opponents.

Just remember to experiment and find what works best for you. There is no right or wrong way to set up your keyboard and mouse for gaming.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Use a comfortable keyboard and mouse. This is important for both performance and comfort. If you’re going to be gaming for long periods, it’s important to have a keyboard and mouse that won’t cause you pain or discomfort.

  • Keep your keyboard and mouse clean. Dirt and dust can build up over time and interfere with the performance of your keyboard and mouse. It’s important to clean your keyboard and mouse regularly to keep them in good working order.

  • Update your keyboard and mouse drivers. Manufacturers often release updates for their keyboard and mouse drivers that can improve performance and fix bugs. It’s a good idea to check for and install any available updates regularly.

Now that we have set up our keyboard and mouse, Let’s have a look at the most important factors which will significantly help to improve your gaming skills.

Developing muscle memory for keyboard placement

Developing muscle memory for keyboard placement

Becoming familiar with keyboard key locations is essential for gaming with a keyboard and mouse.

It allows you to keep your eyes on the game and your hands on the keyboard, which is crucial for fast and accurate reactions.

Here are a few specific benefits of memorizing keyboard finger placements for gaming:

  • Faster and more accurate movement: When you know where your fingers are without looking, you can move your character around the game world faster and more accurately. This is especially important in fast-paced games like first-person shooters and multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA).

  • Improved reaction time: When you don’t have to look down at the keyboard to find the keys you need, you can react to events in the game more quickly. This can give you a significant advantage over your opponents.

  • Reduced fatigue: If you have to constantly look down at the keyboard to find the keys you need, your hands and eyes will get tired quickly. Memorizing keyboard finger placements allows you to play for longer periods without getting fatigued.

To memorize your keyboard finger placements, you can use a variety of methods, such as practicing typing exercises, using a keyboard cover, and playing typing games.

With a little practice, you’ll be able to memorize your keyboard finger placements and reap the benefits of your gaming.

You may also read my detailed guide about how you can improve your typing skills.

Try to aim with your elbow instead of your wrist

Try to aim with your elbow instead of wrist

When aiming with a mouse, it’s important to use your elbow instead of your wrist. This will help you to make more precise and controlled movements.

Here’s why:

Your elbow is a larger muscle than your wrist, which gives you more control over your movements.

Additionally, your elbow is less likely to get fatigued than your wrist, which means you can play for longer periods without your aim suffering.

To aim with your elbow, simply keep your wrist straight and use your elbow to move the mouse.

You may need to adjust your mouse sensitivity and position to find what works best for you.

Here are a few tips for aiming with your elbow:

  • Keep your wrist straight and your elbow close to your body.
  • Use your elbow to move the mouse, not your wrist.
  • Experiment with different mouse sensitivities and positions to find what works best for you.
  • Practice aiming at different targets to improve your accuracy.

With practice, you’ll be able to aim with your elbow like a pro in no time!

I have found a very good video that demonstrates the proper positioning of your elbow and wrist while gaming:

Discovering an aiming technique that matches your preferences

Discovering an aiming technique that matches your preferences

We’ll discuss the aiming techniques that you use according to your gameplay.

There are two main aiming styles in gaming: tracking and flicking.

  • Tracking: Tracking is the ability to keep your aim on a moving target. This is important for games where you need to shoot enemies while they’re moving, such as first-person shooters.
  • Flicking: Flicking is the ability to quickly move your aim from one target to another. This is important for games where you need to quickly acquire targets and shoot them, such as real-time strategy games and multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA).

Most gamers use a combination of tracking and flicking, depending on the situation. For example, you might use tracking to follow an enemy while they’re moving, and then flick to shoot them when they stop.

The best way to find an aiming style that suits you is to experiment and see what feels most comfortable and natural to you.

The best aiming style will vary depending on the games you play and your individual preferences.

Here are a few tips for finding an aiming style that suits you:

  • Try both tracking and flicking to see which one you prefer.
  • Experiment with different mouse sensitivities to find what feels most comfortable and natural to you.
  • Practice aiming at different targets to improve your accuracy.
  • Pay attention to your aim in-game and make adjustments as needed.

With practice, you’ll be able to develop an aiming style that will help you to dominate your opponents in any game.


If you’re new to gaming, it’s a good idea to start with tracking.

Tracking is generally easier to learn than flicking, and it’s a good foundation for developing your aim.

Once you’ve mastered tracking, you can start to experiment with flicking.

Best settings for your mouse

Best settings for your mouse

Many important settings for your mouse can help improve your gaming performance:

Disable mouse acceleration:

Mouse acceleration is a feature that makes your cursor move faster the faster you move your mouse.

This can be helpful for general computer use, but it is not recommended for gaming.

When you’re gaming, you need to be able to make precise and consistent movements, and mouse acceleration can make this difficult.

Adjust your DPI settings to either 400 or 800:

DPI stands for dots per inch. It’s a measure of how sensitive your mouse is. A higher DPI means that your cursor will move further across the screen for a given movement of the mouse.

For gaming, it’s generally recommended to set your DPI to 400 or 800.

This is because it gives you a good balance of sensitivity and control. If your DPI is too high, it can be difficult to make precise movements.

If your DPI is too low, you may have to move your mouse a lot to get your cursor where you want it to go.

Use mouse software to enhance your performance:

Many gaming mice come with software that allows you to customize their settings.

This software can be used to adjust things like your mouse’s DPI, polling rate, and lift-off distance.

It’s worth taking some time to experiment with your mouse software to find the settings that work best for you.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the best settings will vary depending on your individual preferences and the games you play.

Begin by playing a game with a slower pace

Begin by playing a game with a slower pace

When you’re first starting out with keyboard and mouse gaming, it’s a good idea to start with a slower-paced game.

This will give you time to get used to the controls and develop your aim.

Here are a few slower-paced games that are well-suited for beginners:

  • Minecraft
  • Stardew Valley
  • Portal 2
  • Among Us
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Valorant (low settings)

These games are all relatively easy to learn and play, and they offer a variety of different gameplay experiences.

Once you’ve mastered the basics in one of these games, you can start to move on to faster-paced games.

Prepare for your gaming session by warming up with aim training exercises

Prepare for your gaming session by warming up with aim training exercises

Just like any other physical activity, it’s important to warm up before you start gaming.

This will help to prevent injuries and improve your performance.

A good way to warm up for gaming is to do some aim training exercises.

Aim training exercises are designed to help you improve your accuracy and precision.

There are a number of different aim training exercises that you can do, depending on your individual needs and preferences.

Here are a few simple aim training exercises that you can try:

  • Target tracking: This exercise involves tracking a moving target with your aim. You can use a variety of different targets, such as a moving dot or a strafing enemy.

  • Flicking: This exercise involves quickly moving your aim from one target to another. You can use a variety of different targets, such as stationary dots or popping targets.

  • Click timing: This exercise involves clicking on targets as quickly as possible. You can use a variety of different targets, such as stationary dots or moving targets.

You can do these exercises using a variety of different tools, such as aim trainers, custom game modes, or even just the training mode in your favorite game.

Warm up for 5-10 minutes before you start gaming. This will help to get your blood flowing and your muscles warmed up. It will also help to improve your focus and concentration.

With regular practice, you’ll see a noticeable improvement in your aim and performance in games.

Maintain consistent settings across your games

Maintain consistent settings across your games

It’s important to use the same settings in all of your games.

This will help you to develop muscle memory and improve your consistency.

If you keep changing your settings, you’ll have to relearn how to play each game, which can be frustrating and time-consuming.

Here are a few tips for maintaining consistent settings across your games:

  • Find settings that feel comfortable and natural to you. Once you’ve found settings that you like, stick with them.

  • Use a mouse sensitivity converter to transfer your settings from one game to another. This will help you to maintain the same sensitivity in all of your games.

  • Create a profile for each game in your mouse software. This will allow you to easily switch between settings for different games.

  • Back up your settings regularly. This will save you the hassle of having to reconfigure your settings if something goes wrong.

Maintaining consistent settings across your games is one of the best things you can do to improve your gaming performance.

By using the same settings in all of your games, you’ll be able to focus on your gameplay and dominate your opponents.


If you’re not sure what settings to use, you can always watch other players and learn from their techniques.

Many online resources can provide you with recommended settings for different games.

Position your screen at the center

Position your screen at the center

Positioning your screen at the center is important for both comfort and performance.

When your screen is centered, you won’t have to turn your head to see the edges of the screen, which can lead to neck pain and fatigue.

Additionally, centering your screen will give you a more balanced view of the game world, which can improve your aim and reaction time.

To center your screen, simply adjust the position of your monitor so that the center of the screen is directly in front of you.

If you’re using a multiple monitor setup, you can use a software tool to center your main monitor.

Here are a few tips for centering your screen:

  • Sit up straight in your chair with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your monitor so that the center of the screen is at eye level.
  • If you’re using a multiple monitor setup, use a software tool to center your main monitor.
  • Experiment with different positions to find what feels most comfortable and natural to you.

Centering your screen is a simple way to improve your gaming experience.

By positioning your screen at the center, you can reduce neck pain and fatigue, improve your aim and reaction time, and get a more balanced view of the game world.


If you’re having trouble finding the right position for your screen, you can try using a monitor arm.

Monitor arms allow you to adjust the height, tilt, and swivel of your monitor, so you can find the perfect position for your needs.

Now that we have covered the basic skills required for how to game better with a keyboard and mouse, we will discuss the more advanced tips and tricks:

Using macros and scripts

Using macros and scripts

Macros and scripts are two powerful tools that can be used to automate tasks in games.

Macros are a sequence of keystrokes and mouse clicks that can be recorded and played back with a single key press.

Scripts are more complex than macros and can be used to perform more sophisticated tasks, such as automating character movement and combat.

Both macros and scripts can be used to give you an advantage in games. For example, you could use a macro to create a custom combo attack in a fighting game or to quickly cast a spell in a role-playing game.

You could also use a script to automate tasks such as mining resources in a real-time strategy game or farming mobs in an MMORPG.

However, it’s important to note that macros and scripts are not allowed in all games.

Some games have strict rules against the use of macros and scripts, and players who are caught using them may be banned. Before using macros or scripts in any game, be sure to check the game’s terms of service.

How to use a keyboard and mouse for specific genres of games

How to use a keyboard and mouse for specific genres of games

Different genres of games require different keyboard and mouse controls.

Here are a few tips for using a keyboard and mouse for specific genres of games:

  • First-person shooters: Use the WASD keys to move around and the mouse to aim. The left mouse button is typically used to fire your weapon and the right mouse button is typically used to zoom in.

  • Real-time strategy games: Use the mouse to select units and issue commands. You can also use the keyboard to bind hotkeys to specific units and commands.

  • Multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA): Use the mouse to move your character around and select abilities. You can also use the keyboard to bind hotkeys to specific abilities and items.

How to use a keyboard and mouse with accessibility features

If you have a disability, several accessibility features can help you to use a keyboard and mouse more easily.

For example, you can use voice commands to control your keyboard and mouse, or you can use a one-handed keyboard.

Here are a few tips for using a keyboard and mouse with accessibility features:

  • Use voice commands: Windows and macOS both have built-in voice command features that can be used to control your keyboard and mouse. You can also use third-party voice command software, such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
  • Use a one-handed keyboard: One-handed keyboards are designed to be used with one hand. They typically have a smaller layout and fewer keys.

  • Use a mouse adapter: Mouse adapters allow you to use a joystick or other game controller as a mouse. This can be helpful for people with limited dexterity.


In the world of gaming, where every second matters and being super precise is key, using a keyboard and mouse is a great choice. These tools give you super accurate control, and super fast reactions, and you can set them up just how you like.

As you start your journey to becoming a gaming pro with your keyboard and mouse, remember it’s not just about the equipment.

I hope this blog has helped you in how to game better with a keyboard and mouse.

It’s also about practicing, staying focused, and keeping the fun in your games.

So, here’s to your gaming adventure! Get ready for exciting wins, epic battles, and lots of fun. Keep improving, be yourself, and let your gaming skills shine!

Happy Gaming!!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the best way to learn how to use a keyboard and mouse for gaming?

The best way to learn is to practice. Start with slower-paced games and gradually work your way up to faster-paced games.

What are some common mistakes that gamers make when using a keyboard and mouse?

Common mistakes include using the wrong mouse sensitivity, not aiming with the elbow, and not using mouse acceleration.

How do I find the best mouse sensitivity for me?

Experiment with different mouse sensitivities until you find one that feels comfortable and allows you to aim accurately.

What are some tips for aiming better with a keyboard and mouse?

Use your elbow to aim, not your wrist. Keep your wrist straight and your elbow close to your body. Practice aiming at different targets to improve your accuracy.

What are some benefits of using a keyboard and mouse for gaming?

Keyboard and mouse offer more precise and controlled movements than controllers. They also allow you to bind more actions to keys, which can give you an advantage in competitive games.

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